By browsing and using the websites,,,,  and application page you declare that you have read and accepted their terms and conditions and privacy principles. Please only use our services if you agree to adhere to all their terms. This document will not be registered, it will only be concluded in electronic form (i.e. it does not qualify as a written contract). The application system will only become available once you accept the terms of the GTC!


(Hungary, Poland, Czech Republic)


Name of the SP: Hard Dog Race Kft.

Registered office: 78 Lajos Street, Budapest, H-1036

SP contact information (regularly used electronic mail address to keep in contact with users):


Company registry number: 01-09-291006

Tax number: 25820922-2-41

VAT registration number: HU25820922

Name of licensing authority (commercial court): Fővárosi Törvényszék Cégbírósága

Privacy protection registry number: NAIH-112808/2017.

Language of the contract: Hungarian




Kornelia Radzikowska

Address: ul. Poligonowa 2/18, 04-051 Warszawa, Poland


Tax number: 113-235-94-48



Service provider: Organiser and executor of the dog obstacle race Hard Dog Race.

Co-organiser: Any natural or legal person in a contractual agreement with the Service provider who organises the Race in the given country at the Service Provider’s behest, and practices their rights as per specified in a separate contract specific to them.

User: Person using the online application module but has not yet paid their application fee or purchased a gift coupon. (E.g.: they have already supplied their own data or those of the gift coupon’s recipient, who, by meeting the conditions listed on the coupon, may participate in the race free of charge)

Customer: Person who pays the application fee in the online application module or purchases a gift coupon. The Customer’s person may not be the same as the User (e.g. in case of gift coupon purchase or team application).


1.1. Questions not in the scope of the GTC and the interpretation thereof are subject to Hungarian laws, especially concerning Act V of 2013 on the Civil Code, as well as Act CVIII of 2001 in regards to electronic commercial services and certain questions of service in connection with information society. The mandatory terms of the pertinent laws are in effect for all parties without specific provisions.

1.2. This GTC applies until revocation or modification.

1.3. All elements of the website are protected by copyright as copyrighted intellectual products.

1.4. We shall reply to messages sent via, (PL), (CZ), within a maximum of 72 hours.


1.5. When registering on the website, it is necessary to provide personal data, which, according to Act CXII of 2011, has to be registered for privacy protection, and privacy protection information has to be given. The latter can be found at a, pages on the website. The service provider processes the information necessary to identify the user’s person and postal address in order to perform the following: creating the contract of service; determining the contract’s content; invoicing of fees; validation of demands thereof.

Data management with a different objective is in effect for the sending of electronic advertisements (newsletters), which happens when the user provides their name and electronic mailing address. Within this framework, when the user registers to the newsletter by their own volition (giving consent upon receiving proper information), the service provider may use the electronic mailing address provided by the user for electronic advertising (direct marketing).


1.6. On the website, we only market the application fee and gift coupons usable for application, whose fees are payable after registration via bank transfer, or online payment method (HDR HUN, HDR CZ – Barion, HDR PL – Stripe). The product contains no VAT. Upon successful registration (entry/registration page), the user has to choose from the available events, supply the data for the Racer duos (dogs and humans, and competitors in teams without dogs), choose a race slot and use their discounts, if applicable. The Racer’s data fields must be completely filled in to successfully set up the application process. For information on entry fees, discounts and gift vouchers, please see the Upcoming competitions section. We will send a confirmation e-mail after application.


The application fee includes the following services:


The application fee does not include racer photographs. Multiple professional HDR Press photographers work on the track during the entire event, but the Service Provider cannot guarantee that everyone will be featured in at least one photo.


The application fee includes VAT (Hungary: 27%, Poland 8%, Czech Republic 21%),


In case of bank transfer, the e-mail contains the application fee, the recipient’s bank account number where the payment has to be transferred within 48 hours and the application code supplied in the special instructions field. When the payment arrives, the application system sends an automatic confirmation e-mail regarding the successful transaction and the finalisation of the application. This confirmation e-mail qualifies as an electronic application ticket, and therefore has to be presented during registration on the day of the race!

In case of online credit or debit card payment – whether for application or gift coupon purchase – the applicant is redirected to the online payment site (HDR HUN, HDR CZ – Barion, HDR PL – Stripe) where they may pay the application fee to the Service Provider during the online payment transaction. The online payment is provided by Barion Payment Zrt. (Hungary, Czech Republic). MNB licence number: H-EN-I-1064/2013. Your bank card details are not transmitted to Barion Payment Zrt..The online payment is provided by Stripe Payments Europe, Limited (Poland) (The One Building, 1 Grand Canal Street Lower, Dublin, Ireland. Registration Number: IE513174) Upon finishing the transaction, the applicant is redirected to the website and receives an automatic reply about the successful registration, about which the system sends a confirmation message to the e-mail address provided.

In case of applications, this confirmation e-mail acts as an electronic application ticket, and therefore has to be presented during registration on the day of the race!

There is no possibility to pay the application fee with cash, except on the day of the race, at the race’s location as an on-site registration.

1.7. Data input errors can be rectified until applications close before the race. After this time only the Service Provider can correct such issues if the user informs them about this at (Hungary), (Czech Republic) (Poland) .At the latest until the online entry closes, it is possible to change the slots in the “Active entries” menu – and any other changes, e.g. changing the details of the competitor or dog – free of charge, depending on the number of available places. Once the online entry is closed, changes can be made only against payment of a handling fee, subject to availability of places and other conditions up to 72 hours before the race (e.g. if the race starts on Saturday at 9:00 a.m., the possibility to make changes is available until Wednesday at 9:00 a.m. during the week of the race). Handling fee: 4.000 HUF in Hungary, 50 PLN in Poland, 270 CZK in the Czech Republic.

1.8. The Service Provider provides detailed information about the product’s name, possible discounts and exact price.

1.9. The Service Provider is liable to electronically confirm the arrival of the User’s order to the User without delay. If the User does not receive confirmation within a reasonable timeframe (depending on the exact nature of the service, but 72 hours maximum), the User is absolved of all contractual or tender obligations. The order and its confirmation are to be regarded as concluded for both parties when they become accessible for the User. The parties may deviate from the above rules if they made a special agreement.


1.10. The processing of orders occurs via an automatized mailing service, during which automatic reply messages are sent out.

1.11. General period of completion: within 3 working days of confirmation.


  1. Payment of fees may be terminated without consequence at any time before its completion. In accordance with Article 29(1) l) of Government Decree No. 45/2014, the Customer may not exercise their right of withdrawal or cancellation if the application fee for the Race is valid for a certain period (given day of deadline). In such cases, the Service Provider cannot refund the application fee except in the case of cancellation of the competition due to the fault of the organiser.



1.13. The service provider is liable to hold the event as per the previously outlined conditions. If the Race is cancelled due to unforeseen (vis major) reasons, the Service Provider must notify the Customer within the shortest possible time about this fact and their possibility of carrying over their application to the next race. Vis major events are exceptional and unforeseen force majeure occurrences that the service provider cannot calculate or examine, and for which the service provider cannot be held at fault as they are beyond the scope of business risk (especially but not limited to: natural disasters, earthquakes, floods, war situations etc.).


1.14. Complaints can be sent in e-mail form to, or by filling in the appropriate form at,,, Complaints at the race locations can be referred to the Race Directorate. The Service Provider is liable to investigate the veracity of the complaint in the shortest reasonable time and provide an answer within 30 days. If the complaint is rejected, the Service Provider must supply a reason for the rejection, and is liable to keep a copy of the answer sent to the customer for 3 years.


1.15. The Service Provider and the User will attempt to reach peaceful resolutions in case of dispute. In case of legal disputes between the User and the Service Provider concerning problems in the scope of the present document that cannot be resolved within 30 (thirty) calendar days, the court specified by Act III of 1952 of the Code of Civil Procedure has jurisdiction and authority.

1.16 The User shall accept that the Service Provider maintains their right to change the time and the location of the event. In case the time and/or the location is changed, the Service Provider shall inform the User via updates on the event’s website and Facebook page. Users with a valid application are also notified by the Service Provider via the email address they supplied during application.

1.17 This contract has been prepared in Hungarian, Polish, English and Czech languages. Should any interpretation differences or linguistic problems occur, the Hungarian version is prevail.



January, 2024